It all started years ago. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis....a fancy way of saying underactive thyroid (basically mine wasn't working at all...just that story is drawn out in and of itself ). Although my thyroid was removed, along with a humongous cyst (yes it was so big I got to be in a medical journal for it), I am still considered to have Hashimoto's. That all happened after I had my first baby. That was almost 8 years ago. Well, 3 babies and several rollercoasters of thyroid hormone doses later and my levels are where they are supposed to be? Or were they? So, why would I still be experiencing symptoms like fatigue, after having a good night sleep, and my tummy hurting every day (and at night severe stomach pains). I also gained 10+ lbs in two months, while eating between 1200-1400 calories, and exercising for 4-5 days/week???
I felt like I was in a twilight zone of existence of just surviving every day, not feeling really good. Well, I went to my doctor and they had no explanation of why I was having all of these issues, when my levels were all in range. So, they referred back to my specialist. Before I actually made it to my appointment (they were booked out for over a month), I started a new "diet". I just cringed when typing this up because I don't believe in "diets". I believe in new ways of eating, and lifelong eating habits, but i don't believe "diets" work. Just the word makes you think that you are giving up something, or just eating a certain way for a little bit (and then what happens after that? the weight comes back). Well, so I really mean a new way of eating. Ok, so I started on Ideal Protein
and I started feeling really good. I felt like a new person. My stomach didn't hurt at all any more, I didn't feel like I was walking around in a fog, I was happier and more patient with my children (not as grouchy), and don't get me wrong, by 10:30pm I was nodding off on the couch with the hubby as we watched tv, but I didn't feel like taking a nap an hour after waking up, woo hoo!
It was about that same time that I was talking to a lady at school dropping off her grandkids. Her grandkids have been in my kids' classes at school for the last couple of years. Anyways, she happened to mention something about her daughter, and how she had Celiac Disease. I was curious to know a little more about it, so I went home and looked it up on the internet.
My jaw dropped and I sat statuesque while I read the symptoms (remembering in the back of my mind my own experience, and that my two oldest girls had been having health issues). With #2 we'd been through months and months of blood tests about a year ago, since she would be crouched in the fetal posistion screaming out and crying that her tummy hurt. Without definitive blood tests, we had no idea what was wrong and the allergy tests came back with nothing, so we just brushed it off. I also remembered that my #4 (boy), while I was nursing, was barfing all the time, not just spitting up, but barfing. He also, to this day, will not touch bread, tortillas, snacks, etc., What little kid doesn't like fishies?
I quickly looked up the nutritional stats for the food I was eating and saw all the items I had picked for the last few weeks were gluten free and aha! Realizing that Celiac Disease is not diagnosed because it mimics thyroid symptoms and that is was hereditary, I was convinced! Everything made wonder #2 insisted on not eating breakfast...everything we have from cereal, to toast, to occasional things like pop tarts, breakfast bars, and oatmeal* all have gluten, (*maybe by cross contamination)! My #1 daughter has been saying for a few weeks that her tummy hurt after she ate anything, and generally hasn't had much energy. You know the boy who cried wolf, well that sums up #1 so I never really knew what to believe.
Now I knew why every sandwich from #2 came back in the lunch bag, just at neatly tucked in there as the previous night. I also remembered one night that we had tacos for dinner. #1 she said she didn't want the tortilla because it hurt her tummy. Maybe #1's health issues (migraines, no energy, tummy hurting) and #2's health issues (migraines, grouchiness, extreme tummy pain), were all symptoms of Celiac or Gluten Intolerance. Oh my goodness...I was on to something.
So, #1 and #2 and I were all just tested this past week. After reading all the info on Celiac not actually showing up until major damage was done, and because I have already been on a G-Free diet for awhile, it makes me nervous that nothing will show up. But guess what? I can put 2 and 2 together and we are all (myself, the hubby, and the four kids) starting on out gluten free journey! And not to mention, I don't want to feel like I did. I want to feel good, so no matter what, we're on our way!
I will post info on recipes and things that we have tried along this journey. Thanks to a good friend with lost of suggestions to get started!